Meat Dartmoor
Pizwell's Plum & Apple Jam
(fills 6 normal size jam jars)
Moor meat on your plate

This makes about 6 jars jam, clean the jars and lids well then sterilize them. It is useful to prepare an extra jar in case you need it.
You need to heat the jars in the oven before filling to prevent them cracking when filling with the hot jam.
1kg plums
½ kg sliced cooking apples
1 ½ k granulated sugar


Quarter the plums and remove the stones, add the sliced apple
Add 1 cup of water & a generous splash of lemon juice
Boil the fruit until it is all soft, add the sugar, still in well and boil for 10 minutes.
Test for setting by putting ½ teaspoon on a cold plate. After 2 minutes the surface should wrinkle when pushed. If it does not continue boiling and repeat.
If you are using overripe fruit which is lower in pectin you may need to add a little more lemon juice and sugar but plum & apple is a good one to start with.
When ready leave the pan to stand for 5 minutes and pour jam into jars. Add lids & label.


For more recipes and a list of suppliers of quality Dartmoor meat